Experts in Strategyactivation
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„Strategieumsetzung in Unternehmen erfordert übergreifende Zusammenarbeit und schnelles gemeinsames Lernen. Leadership Sprints sind die effektivste Methode für eine erfolgsreiche Strategieumsetzung.“Das MLI ist mit seinem Coaching darauf spezialisiert, agile Umsetzungsprogramme aufzusetzen und Leadership Sprints einzuführen.
Strategy Implementation refers to the practical realisation of strategic corporate goals within an organisation.
This includes identifying levers for success, allocating resources, defining responsibilities, implementing concrete actions and continuously monitoring progress. Effective strategy implementation ensures that the desired target state is actually achieved and the competitiveness of the company increases.
Anchoring the strategy in the success-critical moments of everyday work is crucial. Doing this will ensure that work is carried out in one direction at all levels and that the available resources are used effectively.
Never have people been as exposed to so many information impulses and mental distractions as they are today. In hectic everyday working life, priorities can quickly be lost. For successful strategy implementation or transformation, it is crucial to continually focus attention on the results that will bring the greatest strategic benefit.
Leadership sprints ensure that all key people work on specific outcomes at the same time. In the sprint planning workshop lessons are learned from experiences, the future pathway to success is determined and an approach is coordinated.
Facts show how difficult strategy implementation can be:
We asked more than 250 decision-makers:
*MLI survey 2018-2022; Multiple entries were possible
With a wealth of experience from more than 100 transformation projects, we offer you tailor-made advice on strategy implementation.
The MLI approach uses the experiential knowledge of those involved and group dynamic processes to achieve beneficial results more quickly than with conventional approaches. To do this, MLI combines scientific findings with the OKR (Objectives & Key Results) target framework – a tactic used by many successful companies including Intel, Google, Adobe and FlixBus.
Quarterly iterations reduce complexity. The focus on measurable key results guarantees results-oriented implementation. Clearly structured formats such as planning workshops, monthly check-ins, reviews and retrospectives ensure effective communication. Misunderstandings and hurdles are anticipated, conflicts of goals and interests are made transparent and resolved constructively.
Working on goals in cross-departmental mission-driven teams ensures role clarity and binding rules.
Implementation Analysis
Implementation analysis of the existing organisation, leadership culture and strategic objectives. Identification of central activation points along the value chain.
Strategic Target Visualisation
Development of eye-catching visualisation of the strategic roadmap – Change on the Page and Strategy on a Page
Strategy Labs
Cross-departmental workshops that will solidify the activation points of a strategy. Design thinking principals will be used to create a representation of strategic value creation in the form of a customer and/or employee experience.
Leadership Sprints with OKR
The creation of organisational framework. Process moderation of a quarterly, agile approach to implementing important milestones with selected key people.'
Planning Workshops
Establish priorities, key results and responsibilities for the next sprint.
Detailed Planning
The planning of essential actions that will achieve the key results.
Monthly Check-ins
Monthly discussions onthe progress ofobjectives and key results.
Review & Retrospektive
ReviewReview of the technical results - assessing impact and celebrating progress.RetrospektiveReflection on collaboration to optimise interaction within a team.
„In the last two years our company has more than tripled in size. An essential part of our growth was our collaboration with MLI. The structured approach with OKR was a real game changer for us as a management team.“David Neuhaus, CEO SocialHub
The board member of a company commented on the leadership sprints as follows:„Although we pursue ambitious goals and sometimes have tough discussions, I always leave the planning workshop feeling elated and encouraged.“
We want to give you this momentum when it comes to mastering the challenges of the times.
Sie möchten Ihre Erfolgshebel bei der agilen Strategieumsetzung einschätzen? Bewerten Sie ehrlich auf einer Skala von 0 (überhaupt nicht) bis 10 (voll und ganz):
Please rate each statement on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 10 (completely):
Development of a newly established B2C business
2017 to 2021
at our customer EONin MIO. €
Starting from a common target goal, we think and work in a hypothesis-oriented manner. Manageable time periods ensure concentration, motivation and a positive sense of urgency. Complex strategic projects are implemented measurably faster than with conventional programme management methods.
Our focus is not on tasks, but on measurable results.
Key people organise themselves around strategic implementation goals, objectives. Effective collaboration is achieved with agile methods. Key personnel involved are formed into a strong, cohesive team.
Responsibility for the implementation of goals and key results is binding. Those responsible are sure of the group's solidarity. There is no finger pointing, but rather a responsible culture of support.
A clear, understandable system of complementary goals and key results delegates responsibility and creates clarity. In addition to operational tasks people can, on average, keep an eye on only a maximum of three priorities at the same time.
The dynamics of the environment are reviewed every quarter to find which new influences and may be relevant for successful implementation.
“Agile strategy activation connects all ongoing measures and ensures focus and rapid adaptation to new findings with clear formats such as sprint planning, stakeholder reviews and retrospectives. As with a train timetable, a uniform clock ensures more reliability, better coordination and fewer frictional losses.”
If you want to put a strategy into action, you must overcome existing organisational structures and network the thinking of the participants involved. This can be achieved with brain-friendly goals and an activating implementation mechanism. Perhaps you remember Steve Job’s famous, straight-forward, goal for the iPod – “A thousand songs in your pocket.”
The purpose of the OKR's target framework is to achieve consistent prioritisation and outcome orientation in an organisation and to structure overarching collaboration.
OKRs have proven to be particularly effective when implementing complex strategies. The abbreviation OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results.
The target system is so effective because it combines common sense with scientifically proven facts:
Managing partner, leadership expert & strategy coach.
Jimmy Wales ist Mitgründer der offenen Enzyklopädie Wikipedia. In diesem Gespräch erzählt er uns seine Erfolgsgeheimnisse bei der agilen Strategieumsetzung.
Inspirierende Gespräche mit Top-Entscheider:innen, Expert:innen und Unternehmer:innen.
Der MLI-Führungsansatz in einem Buch – Alles, was Sie über Strategieaktivierung wissen sollten.
Für mehr Eigenverantwortung, Motivation, Ergebnisorientierung und Produktivität!
Wollen Sie mehr darüber erfahren, warum agile Leadership Sprints und OKR der beste Weg für eine erfolgreiche Strategieumsetzung sind?
Strategieumsetzung bezieht sich auf den Prozess, bei dem eine Organisation ihre strategischen Ziele und Pläne in konkrete Maßnahmen und Handlungen umsetzt, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Da es sich meistens um komplexe Herausforderungen in einem sich ändernden Umfeld handelt, muss das Vorgehen explorativ sein und schnelles organisatorisches Lernen unterstützen.
Die Strategieumsetzung ist entscheidend, um sicherzustellen, dass die strategischen Ziele einer Organisation tatsächlich erreicht werden und sie damit ihre Zukunftsfähigkeit in einem Umfeld sichert, das von technologischen, gesellschaftlichen, politischen, marktbezogenen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen kontinuierlich geprägt und verändert wird . Ohne eine effektive Umsetzung bleibt die Strategie oft nur auf dem Papier und hat keinen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse.
Die wichtigsten Schritte einer wirkungsvollen Strategieumsetzung sind:
Leadership Coaching ermöglicht Führungskräften, persönliche Hürden zu überwinden und in der Führungspraxis die nötigen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, um die strategische Veränderung glaubhaft zu kommunizieren, vorzuleben und ihre Teams optimal darauf vorzubereiten. Die Leadership Coaches des MLI verfügen selbst über breite Erfahrung bei der Strategieumsetzung und können daher als Sparringspartner und Coaches auf Augenhöhe agieren.
Hindernisse können durch eine klare Kommunikation, die Motivation der Mitarbeiter, die Identifizierung von Risiken und die Nutzung von Ressourcenbewertungen überwunden werden. Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit sind ebenfalls entscheidend. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung hierfür sind geschützte Räume, in denen alle Schlüsselpersonen gemeinsam den Fortschritt und die nächsten wichtigen Schritte reflektieren und ihre Vorstellungen aufeinander abstimmen.
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Tools und Methoden, darunter Projektmanagementsoftware, OKR (Objectives and Key Results), Balanced Scorecard und regelmäßige Strategie-Reviews. Die Auswahl hängt von den spezifischen Anforderungen und Ressourcen der Organisation ab.
What do you think when you look at this initial overview?
Do you have the time and interest to discuss with us how you can implement strategic topics in an agile and cross-functional manner?
Your contact person: Sebastian Morgner