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As co-founders of the Future of Leadership Initiative (FLI), MLI brings together global thought leaders, experienced managers and young talents.
Dr. Sarah Müller doesn't hesitate. When the Chief Commercial Manager of Zolar, a start-up that sells solar systems for rooftops, was asked in the New Leadership Podcast what constitutes good leadership, she responded straight out: “For me, leadership means building successful teams.” In fact, how we put together teams, departments or areas is essential. Dr. Müller explained, “It is an important for managers to not only to look at individual employees, but also to look closely at who they need in their teams and how they can shape that team for success.”
MLI has identified five roles in an agile setting that are necessary to strengthen a team.
First and foremost is the creative inventor. They question things, have new ideas and want to take new paths. It is also important to have inspiring ambassadors who are great networkers, identify new opportunities and like to promote big projects.
The analytical thinker, in turn, brings economic acumen and knows how to assess risks and progress. The pragmatic implementers are indispensable for every team. They are organisational talents who focus primarily on implementing plans and shine when concrete results are visible.
The team coach is responsible for combining the different perspectives. They want to utilise the potential of the group and are more interested in collaboration than content. A manager should therefore ensure that all five roles are represented in a team. But that's not all.
Zolar GmbH has created something very special. It has developed a monthly internal employee survey tool that is used to discover the concerns of its employees. Zolar want this information so that its leaders can understand what is affecting employees, and quickly develop ways to respond to them.
“The worst thing a company can do, is to shut its eyes to problems it knows exist,” says Dr. Müller. Employees should feel that they are being noticed and listened too. Equally, effective leaders must be confident enough to decouple. “We are entering into a working world where we must give employees more autonomy and creative freedom,” adds Dr Müller.
New Work is the buzzword that is being discussed in management and HR levels across Germany. What does New Work mean for Zolar? Dr. Müller has a clear answer: “For me, New Work is self-determined and meaningful work. You will not be told when to work, where to work or how to organise your own work. In the end it's the result that matters. In case of doubt, you know better than the manager or the company how you get there.”
Nevertheless, guard rails and orientation are needed. “It is still extremely important that you see yourself as a team,” continues Dr. Müller. “Very clear responsibilities and an understanding of how contributions to the overall goal are vital for all team members.”
OKRs can be helpfully when finding such a focus. “We manage out company with OKRs. We have clearly defined goals for the year, then plan the entire team on a quarterly basis,” explains Dr. Müller.
This method is becoming more and more popular. Clear, short term goals and defined criteria for success ensure teams stay agile, motivated and focused. If goals are achieved, managers must not forget to reward their teams. This is not forgotten at Zolar, which is experience increadible growth in the solar equipment market. Twice a year, the entire company meets in Berlin to celebrate their successes together.
Looking to learn more from Dr Sarah Müller? She joins Sebastian Morgner on the 45th edition of the New Leadership Podcast to discuss the special dynamic between companies and their employees. You can find the entire conversation in the episode „What Employees Want and What Companies Turn a Blind Eye To“ of the New Leadership Podcast.
Veröffentlicht in Neurosoziale Führung am 30.08.2023
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