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Generation Z und Führung:
Was wir von Miss Germany Kira Geiss über Leadership lernen können

Anyone who can stand out and prevail among 15,000 candidates needs more than just superficial beauty—they need leadership qualities and genuine charisma.

In her conversation with Sebastian Morgner for our latest New Leadership Podcast, Kira Geiss more than proved these qualities. She wholeheartedly uses them for a good cause: dedicated youth work. In this article, we have summarized the key leadership insights and Generation Z perspectives from this inspiring interview with Miss Germany 2023. Enjoy reading.

Generation Z & Leadership: Winning Over Big Thinkers

At just 18 years old, Kira Geiss embarked on a journey from Lake Constance to Magdeburg, where she found her personal home—even though she currently lives out of a suitcase most of the time. Kira’s heart beats even more for youth work, which was the reason she originally came to this city.

In Magdeburg, a youth community was founded where young people could be supported and have fun—completely alcohol-free.

It was a great success, but Kira wanted to reach even more people. So, she looked for a platform that could help her inspire more people to get involved in youth work and make an impact.

That’s when she came across an Instagram ad for the Miss Germany pageant.

Miss Germany: Women’s Stereotypes on the Catwalk?

At first, Kira ignored the ad. She resisted the idea of women being judged solely on their appearance. But shortly after, she discovered that the format had completely changed in 2019. It was no longer about outer beauty, but about the message and cause that women were passionate about. Kira decided to take the chance and start the application process.
The seed was planted.

Our first lesson from the interview is:
Concepts can be recycled and massively enhanced. This is what happened in 2019 with the idea of “Miss Germany.” The familiar exterior remained, but the core was completely renewed. Today, this title honors women who take on responsibility.

Where can you use something familiar and simultaneously renew its core?

Kira Geiss Miss Germany 2023

Sticking With It for Next-Gen Leadership

Have you ever wondered how a “Miss Germany” competition works? For Sebastian Morgner, this was uncharted territory, as it likely is for most of you.

It wasn’t about just strutting down the runway more often in stylish outfits; it was hard work on many levels.

Kira had to and was allowed to:

  • create extensive application materials with her team
  • pitch repeatedly in multiple elimination rounds
  • participate in a variety of workshops
  • demonstrate that she not only had a great idea but also a solid, actionable concept
  • prove that she had the strength, competence, and drive to carry it all out

In essence, it’s like a business project, right?

This perseverance is something you can effectively instill in your leaders, especially the younger generation. The case of Kira Geiss shows that the youth are quite capable—and if not, there is a wonderful field of development here.

Within this developmental field, it’s about recognizing and leveraging the potential of multiple generations. Among other topics, we offer exciting keynotes on Leading Next Gen that can provide the decisive impulse for your leadership event.

Miss Germany's Criteria: A Guiding Star for Talent Development

Whether in personnel selection, project management, or other decisions, there are always important criteria to adhere to when choosing employees.

Interestingly, the criteria for the Miss Germany pageant also fit very well into the leadership context of a company.

The 3 criteria are:

  • Ability to inspire
  • Ability to motivate
  • Professionalism

Especially when it comes to leading Generation Z and selecting suitable candidates within the company, these 3 criteria are really important.

Often, the best employees aren’t necessarily the ones with the best grades in school. But to carry out a project and bring it to success, these 3 criteria are crucial. Inspiring people and partners, motivating oneself and others, and working professionally and reliably.

Try it out the next time you need to decide whom to hire!

Through the results of our four-year study, we identified the four most important elements that lead to the failure of strategy implementation. More than 250 decision-makers responded:

  • Excessive complexity (72%): Participants are unclear about their specific contribution to overall success.
  • Poor communication (63%): Top-down communication does not lead to embedded understanding and internal commitment; leaders act as bottlenecks.
  • Goal and interest conflicts (38%): Too many, unaligned priorities lead to confusion and dysfunction.
  • Unclear roles (30%): Cross-departmental collaboration requires clear rules and responsibilities. These aspects highlight the urgency of approaching the Next Gen and understanding not only their needs but also their concerns. A lack of this understanding risks the failure of strategy implementation within a company

Using Leadership Qualities to Influence Politics for Gen Z

In such a process as Kira Geiss went through, it’s naturally interesting to learn about the highs and lows.

Through her youth work, Kira came into contact with Federal Minister Lisa Paus and is now a member of the Alliance of Young Generations, which leads to valuable discussions and gives her enormous reach. This allows Kira Geiss to gain space for her causes in politics.

She also gave a speech in the Austrian National Council, engaging in dialogue with people from over 50 nations’ parliaments. What a great opportunity to have such deep exchanges at a young age. Naturally, such encounters are also extremely inspiring.

What does this tell us about leadership? That it’s worth repeatedly and consciously making contact with well-known personalities from politics and other societal sectors. Because doing so greatly increases your influence and reach. But it’s also about giving young people in the company the chance to connect with top individuals. This helps them grow and draw inspiration.

Effective Leadership Grows Close to the Source

It doesn’t always have to be the “big shots.” Kira also talks about a youth retreat where she gave a keynote on identity to around 40 teens. From this beautiful and intimate atmosphere, wonderful deep conversations developed afterward.

Being so close to the source, working directly with those affected on their issues, gives incredible strength and inspiration.

The key is the feeling of being able to make a difference. This is much easier to achieve the closer people are to one another. Remember for your leadership practice how important it is for young people to feel effective. At the same time, this is certainly also important for you as a leader.

The closer you are to your employees, the more effective you can be!

Kira Geiss Miss Germany 2023

Generation Z & Leadership: Setting Boundaries Is a Learned Skill

Naturally, there are challenges to overcome during such active phases.

One of these challenges, and a temporarily negative experience, Kira shares in her interview. With so many demands placed on her, it was difficult for her to decline because she genuinely enjoyed doing it all. Once, she was on the road for three weeks straight and then gave a speech, realizing that she was completely drained and on the verge of passing out.

That was the moment when she learned, among other things, how important it is to

  • set healthy boundaries for herself
  • manage her energy well
  • say "no" when necessary
  • be aware of what and who really benefits her

Even as a “celebrity”—just like a top executive—there is a need for privacy. It’s valuable to decide for yourself with whom you want to spend your time and to regularly allow yourself breaks.

Many young people who work enthusiastically still struggle to recognize these boundaries and stand up for them.

This is also something where you, as a leader, can support the next generation.

  • Create conditions for a healthy work-life balance.
  • Lead by example.
  • Encourage and respect personal boundaries.

After all, who wants their wonderful talents to burn out after just a few years?

Social Media: Protecting Spaces and Not Taking Anything Personally

In the realm of social media, it’s also important to set boundaries. Kira is known for advocating a healthy approach to social media among young people.

Those who are active on social media inevitably receive not only positive feedback. Learning how to handle this is also an important skill that Kira has mastered very well. She usually manages not to take negative comments personally.

However, she is particularly vigilant when she creates spaces herself. If someone makes comments that harm others or mislead them, she intervenes rigorously. Here, too, clear boundaries must be set.

This also includes not polarizing too much just to gain attention. As Sebastian Morgner also points out, this polarization ultimately harms everyone and perpetuates stereotypes.

Kira Geiss is very skilled at balancing:

  • balanced messages,
  • clear communication and
  • without falling into stereotypes.

When do you generalize in your leadership role, and how do you handle negative feedback? These are intriguing questions worth reflecting on regularly.

Putting an End to Stereotypes in Leading Generation Z

This brings us to our final point: the issue of stereotypes. These exist around Generation Z just as much as around older generations. Terms like the “snowflake generation,” which supposedly melts under pressure, and a generation that is too lazy to work, collide with stereotypes of the so-called Boomer generation. Boomers are often accused of being workaholics, consumer-driven, growth-obsessed, or even environmental wreckers.

If there is one core message we can take from the conversation with Kira Geiss, it’s perhaps this:

It makes absolutely no sense to cling to any stereotypes.

They lead to separation instead of connection.

Even though there may be a grain of truth in these stereotypes, ultimately, it’s always about people of different ages who share similar desires, longings, and needs.

Generation Z reflects, in some ways, many of the shortcomings of the Boomer generation, emphasizes Sebastian Morgner. If parents are immersed in work, spending all day at the computer, they shouldn’t be surprised that the younger generation yearns for more life and hasn’t learned a healthy way to engage with the digital world.

It’s time for both sides to take responsibility for who they are and their role.

Then, generations can learn from and with each other and achieve something together.

Are you ready? If you want to see for yourself, we invite you to follow the entire conversation on the New Leadership Podcast:

Veröffentlicht in Leadership Stories am 22.05.2024

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