Experts in Strategyactivation
Leadership consulting is the key to sustainable business success. Discover how we can help you develop an effective leadership system and continuously strengthen your leadership skills.
Der Erfolg eines jeden Unternehmens hängt maßgeblich von der Führungsqualität der Mannschaftsspitze ab und davon, dass diese einem einheitlichen Rhythmus und einer gemeinsamen Struktur folgen.
Doch wie lässt sich ein effektives Führungssystem entwickeln? Wer unterstützt auf Top -Level die Entwicklung der Führungskräfte, findet Schwachstellen und gibt Guidance aus neuen Perspektiven heraus? An dieser Stelle setzt das Leadership Consulting an, auch Leadership Beratung oder Führungskräfteberatung genannt.
Das MLI ist ein Team erfahrener Berater:innen in Sachen Leadership unter der Führung von Sebastian Morgner. Seit vielen Jahren betreuen wir renommierte Kunden langfristig oder punktuell – ganz nach Bedarf. Diese profitieren von unserer jahrelangen Expertise, einem breiten Angebot und ganzheitlichen Führungsansätzen auf dem neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen für ein tieferes Verständnis, wie Leadership Consulting zu Ihrem nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg beitragen kann und was es bedeutet, ein produktives Führungssystem zu etablieren.
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Let’s dive deeper into what leadership consulting actually means.
Most companies understand that personnel management requires employee development measures. But who takes on this role at the executive level? Leadership consulting refers to a specialized form of business consulting that helps organizations continuously improve their leadership skills and strategic alignment while adapting to current developments.
The goal of leadership consulting is to develop a leadership system with management teams that makes them and individual leaders as effective as possible.
This is primarily about the productivity and effectiveness of the company.
To give a small example: Most executives in Germany spend about 75% of their working time in meetings. This leaves little time for thinking. Peter Drucker says, "An organization where executives spend more than 25% of their time in meetings is not efficiently structured."
This is exactly where leadership consulting comes into play.
If you're wondering why you even need specialized leadership consulting, here are some key aspects:
On top of the external factors mentioned above, there’s the internal situation in many companies.
Unfortunately, true chaos often reigns internally. Leadership roles are unclear, there’s no common understanding of leadership, and endless meetings take place with different groups discussing the same topics without synchronization.
Then there are projects with different structures and rhythms, often hindered by unclear dependencies. Even new work approaches like 'New Work' have brought more chaos than order to many organizations.
In today’s world, people are cognitively overwhelmed by the flood of information.
We often find that employees – whether in leadership roles or on teams – have little time for productive activities.
Instead, too much time is spent in unproductive, drawn-out meetings. More working time is needed instead of discussion time.
Projects tend to take longer because there is a lack of a unified rhythm and a consistent leadership system.
You’ve probably experienced situations in companies where processes gradually become stumbling blocks, overwork and demotivation spread through the team, or overall success is lacking.
All these are reasons why leadership consulting is so important for businesses.
Contact us
You may now be wondering whether leadership consulting is right for you.
Basically, this form of consulting is suitable for all leaders. It’s especially crucial for large companies and corporations. There, it’s almost indispensable.
Natürlich freuen wir uns über jeden Kunden und jede Kundin, die wir begleiten können. Ob Großkonzern, KMU, Bildungseinrichtung oder NGO – Leadership Consulting kann in allen Organisationsformen Großes erreichen.
Zusätzlich haben wir uns im Laufe der Jahre Expertise in besonderen Branchen angeeignet, die wir Ihnen hier gerne zusammenfassend präsentieren möchten.
Eines unserer besonderen Merkmale ist das partnerschaftliche Zusammenwirken mit unseren Kunden. Das bedeutet, dass wir als MLI nicht als „besserwissende Consultants“ von außen auftauchen, sondern empathisch das unternehmensinterne Know-How und alle internen Player in unsere Beratung mit einbeziehen.
Wir haben auch in einigen speziellen Bereichen besondere Erfahrung, zum Beispiel:
Leadership consulting is a key foundational task for companies to increase productivity and effectiveness.
It’s about developing a consistent, efficient leadership system that is tailored to your business.
This includes the following components, which must work seamlessly together for employees to experience leadership as consistent and remain productive in the long term:
A unified frameworkof long-term, medium-term, and short-term goals: vision, mission, strategic roadmap, annual goals, and short-term priorities. This also includes corporate identity development.
Clarity about the leadership team:disciplinary leadership roles, lateral and technical leadership roles, and how these functions interact.
Defining decision-making processes:what is decided when, how, what does a proposal look like, how are decisions made, when is a decision binding, and how are decisions clearly documented?
Leadership communication:how employees are informed and involved, clear rules, and direct communication from top management to employees to avoid the “telephone game.”
Unified leadership tools:feedback, promotions, and many other leadership tools require consistent standards.
A common understanding of leadership:ow can you recognize good leadership in a company or culture, and what are the rules and behaviors everyone can rely on, which each leader is also measured against?
Optimizing meeting structure: what rhythm for which meetings do we want, and how can we make many decisions in individual meetings? This includes strategic meetings once a year or quarterly, as well as regular meetings for operational decisions and open space times for informal consultations with leaders.
Our experience shows that it’s very difficult to develop a leadership system from within. This is exactly where our leadership consulting comes in.
At MLI, we have years of built-up expertise in the market. From over 100 projects and across more than 100 companies, we know exactly which tools work, which don’t, and what’s important. Above all, we have the necessary distance to help leadership teams declutter, question meetings, examine existing tools, and streamline processes.
We consult and coach you as long as needed and also train the new leadership system with you until it fits into everyday life. We conduct regular retrospectives to ensure that what we’ve set out to do is working or needs to be adjusted flexibly.
This is what we mean by leadership consulting.
Was gewinnen Sie, wenn Sie ein Leadership Consulting mit dem MLI in Angriff nehmen?
Wir helfen Organisationen und Führungsteams, viel effektiver zu werden, sodass die Mitarbeitenden wesentlich mehr Zeit haben, produktiv zu arbeiten und viel weniger Zeit in Meetings verbringen. Entscheidungen werden transparent. Das heißt, es ist sichergestellt, dass alle den Entscheidungen gemäß an gemeinsamen Zielen arbeiten, weil auch die Ziele und die Prioritäten transparent sind. Dadurch kann eine performante Organisation entwickelt und aufgebaut werden.
Hier noch einmal die wichtigsten Vorteile für Sie im Überblick:
Leadership consulting, also known as leadership advice or executive consulting, is a specialized form of business consulting. Its aim is to improve leadership skills in organizations and adapt them to current developments. It helps management teams develop an effective leadership system that enhances both the productivity and effectiveness of the company.
Yes, our Leadership Consulting is available nationwide and throughout the DACH region. For other regions, feel free to contact us to see if a collaboration is possible.
Yes, MLI offers leadership consulting both online and in person. We are flexible and adapt to your company's needs. You can choose whether to receive consulting services on-site, digitally, or in a combination of both, ensuring that the consulting fits optimally into your existing processes.
Compared to the costs incurred from unproductivity, faulty processes, frustration, employee turnover, or mismatched strategic direction, leadership consulting is inexpensive. Contact us for a personalized offer.
There are various signs that indicate a need for Leadership Consulting: long project timelines, high friction losses, declining employee satisfaction, high turnover rates, stress symptoms among leaders, or stagnant business figures. If you notice such issues in your company, leadership consulting could be the solution.
Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem MLI profitieren Sie von unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung und einem breiten Netzwerk. Wir helfen Ihnen, die Produktivität zu steigern, Entscheidungsprozesse zu optimieren, und Konflikte effektiv zu lösen. Außerdem fördern wir die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung Ihrer Führungskräfte und Ihrer Organisation.